Begin & Center Your Heart
"if the light is in your heart, you will find your way home."
- Rumi

Welcome to BaaCentric.
Begin and Center Your Heart
Baa Centric is creating sanctuary for youth, for you,
to connect with the Love that is already within you. A place both virtual and physical to belong and unite with a community, friends. Its your safe space where you can indulge in traditional practices that will feed, comfort, heal and revive your
soul & heart
"Whoever travels on the road of seeking knowledge, Allah will cause him to travel on the road to Paradise."
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
"A true believer embodies overflowing love. The one who does not love others is devoid of any virtue. He is tested by everyone."
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
"Whoever fulfiled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfil his needs."
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Al-Kawtharian Abundance Philosophy
BaaCentric believes in the circular flow of the abundance of Love through giving & receiving. This is based on the fountain of Kawthar which is symbolically represented by Sayyeda Fatima Al Zahra and her blessed family. BaaCentric through content, resource sharing, teaching and learning, envisions a world where the abundance of knowledge of Sacred Traditional Healing practices is shared to all seekers of Love.

What is Healing
to heal is to go within
to grow closer to your highest self
to the version of you, you were created to be
to connect with you within, to all without, to The Beloved from where Love begins
"Those who know themself, know their Lord"
How Islam Is All About Healing
“but I believe that if you follow Allah & Rasool’s instructions that’s the best you don’t need any healing stuff or anyone to heal you. This is the truth & we all have to focus our daily lifestyle & our mindset & follow Quran & Sunnah that’s all anyone needs in her life to be the best human being & good Muslim.” “The biggest barriers in our life is Shaytan evil, and how to protect & avoid his wasawa’s is follow Quran & Sunnah.”
Our reply:
Yes ofcourse following Allah and Rasool is all we need, but how can one truly follow the Quran and Sunnah from within themself, and not just their outside/exterior physical actions, if their inside world is wounded, dirty and corrupt. Example, a teen praying all the time but always having pride in their heart towards someone. Thats physical actions of “following” Islam but internally following their nafs not Allah nor Sunnah. “No one will enter Paradise who has pride in his heart equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed” [Sahih] “It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs makes to him: for We are nearer to him than his jugular vein.” [50:16]. The greatest jihad (struggle) is to battle your own nafs, to fight the evil within yourself — Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) ‘Healing’ is the english word from the western world but in Islam, Islamic Psychology and Spirituality, ‘purification’ is the word used in Islam, and the whole point of healing is to purify the nafs and heart so that one can elevate to become the higher version of themself that Allah created them to be who is achieving their goals and purpose on earth and reaching their potential. Tazkiyya is the Arabic word in Islam to explain purification of the self. A man said, "What is purification of the self?" RasoolAllah ﷺ said, "That one who knows Allah Almighty is with him wherever he is." One cannot even be aware of Allah’s Presence if they are so disconnected and impure from within. Hence why when the Prophet ﷺ was asked about what Ihsaan (excellence) is, he said “it is to worship Allah as though you see Him and if you can’t, know that He sees you.” Healing is the path of Ihsaan, to reach excellence—to reach your highest self and that is all through understanding the Sunnah and following his ﷺ way of becoming your best self, which is why he ﷺ said in famous hadith, “I was sent to perfect good character.” Healing is about raising and bettering your character to be more similar to the greatest character, RasoolAllahﷺ , which one cannot do unless they get to know the dark and light sides of their self. The greatest goal in healing is be closer to Allah. “Those who know themself, know their Lord.” Young people spend and waist so much of their time getting to know other guys and girls and friends but completely ignore getting to know themself, their weakeness, strengths and struggles so that they can overcome it and improve their life. “Verily in the remembrance of God, do hearts find peace.” [Quran]. Why do so many youngsters stray away from praying / cant even get themself to pray? Because their hearts cannot feel that peace because there is so much dirt within that needs to be *purified.* The Quran describes the nafs, or self, as operating out of one of three states: nafs al-ammara (commanding self); nafs al-lawwama - accusatory self; and nafs al-mutmainna (peaceful self). The Qur'an explains how these states command our psyche and tell us what to do, they control us and dominate us until we elevate and heal from them. To reach the higher self (nafs al mutmainna) requires a lot of inner work as you know and not just external actions. Thats why some people spend their entire lives learning religious or other knowledge externally with their mind but don’t end up practicing or implementing any of it, and i’m sure you know the hadiths about the danger of that. They’re only focused on their external world and are not fixing their internal world which controls everything. “Indeed he succeeds who (zakkaha) purifies it (i.e., nafs, the soul, or inner-self). And doomed is he who corrupts it.” Qur’an 91:1-10. “Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in their hearts.” [13:11]. Theres over 40 hadiths on purification of the heart and others on the importance of elevating from the lower nafs. The famous hadith also explains the importance of healing the heart so that everything else in life including one’s body can improve: “Verily, in the body is a piece of flesh which, if sound, the entire body is sound, and if corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. Truly, it is the heart.” For most who haven’t done the inner work and are struggling to be doing better in their school work, health or relationships, the greatest thing they can do is go deeper and heal for Allah’s sake because the greatest enemy is the one inside of us as the Prophet ﷺ tells us.


One of BaaCentric's main visions is to revive the forgotten tradition of beautiful sound (Daff & Poetry) within youth, specifically females, as a means of healing, replacement for mainstream negatively impacting music, and connecting to God, His Beloved, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
The tradition of playing the Daff with recitation of poetry in praise of Allah & His Beloved Messenger ﷺ was practiced since the time of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and continues to date.
Circles of beautiful sounds of remembrance and praise have existed throughout the ages across various cultures and geographic locations. Drumming with the use of beautiful tunes of Prophetic Praise is perceived as a form of therapeutic healing through sound.

Plant An Eternal Source of Blessings For Your Soul
in The City of The Beloved ﷺ
Establish your family's name on holy farmland in Madina to grow palm trees that support local orphans by supporting this philanthropic initiative.

The Prophet ﷺ said:
"If a Muslim plants a tree, and then a bird, a person or an animal eats from it, it is regarded as a charitable gift for him until day of Judgement." [Bukhari]

ٱقْرَأْ بِٱسْمِ رَبِّكَ
"Read, in the Name of your Lord"
[Quran 96:1]
The first word revelead from The Lord AlMighty
to His Beloved Messenger ﷺ was

Begin in The Name of Allah